Professors from business school attended IACMR 2012

Time : 2012-08-11

International Association for Chinese Management Research (IACMR)2012 was held in Hong Kong from 20th to 24th June. Dr. Quan Lin and Dr. Shaodong Hu, professors of business school, were invited to attend this conference and present their papers, which were respectively named as“The structural influence factors of extra-role behavior: the perspective based on equity and perception” and "The co-evolution of the business of overseas remittance and the system in Chaoshan region”.

The International Association for Chinese Management Research (IACMR) is an academic organization that serves scholars, students, managers, and consultants who are interested in advancing their knowledge about organizational management in the Chinese context. The primary goal of the association is to promote organization and management research in such a context. The Association was founded in 2002, and registered in the U.S. as a not-for-profit organization. Since then, the Association has experienced rapid growth with the support of our members and sponsors. They have now over 6,000 registered members all over the world, from almost 100 countries. IACMR has been recognized as the most authoritative, world-class academic research organization in the area of Chinese management.