讲座主题:Digital Transformation and Business Performance in China
主讲嘉宾:黄子伦 博士(amjs澳金沙门欢迎您)
The study highlights dynamic influences of digital transformation on a firm's profitability in China. Empirical findings indicate that in the short term, digital transformation adversely affects metrics such as ROA, ROE, EPS, and operating cashflows. The negative impacts on profitability may result from technological complexity and initial costs, as reflected in higher R&D expenditure and management expenses due to digital transformation. Nevertheless, Tobin's Q consistently shows a positive link with digital transformation, implying that it may signal potential growth for investors, and thus enhances market confidence and valuation. Further analysis suggests that the positive effects of digital transformation on profitability may emerge after a five-year initiation period. This positive shift could stem from a deeper integration of digital changes into company operations, leading to long-term advantages. These insights are crucial for businesses looking to leverage digital transformation as a catalyst for sustained financial success in a continuously evolving business environment.