(1)Wen, R., Cai, H. 2024. Does a Higher Ratio of Salary-Per-Contribution Impact Employees’ Work Efficiency?. SAGE Open, 14(4). DOI: 10.1177/21582440241292958. (2)王西子, 温日光, 姜虹. 2024. 关键审计事项披露对管理层非正常在职消费的抑制效应. 审计研究, (4): 113-125. (3)Wen, R., Wang, S., Ouyang, Y. 2023. Does the pricing of intra-group investment deviate from the market rule? Evidence from domestic merger and acquisition transactions under common control in China. International Review of Financial Analysis, 91: 102939. (4)Wen, R., Cao, Q., Wang, H. 2023. Are pay decisions based on pre-contract efficiency necessarily correct? Evidence from players contracts of National Basketball Association. SAGE Open, 13(4). DOI: 10.1177/21582440231204149. (5)张兴亮, 温日光. 2020. 房价与企业高管薪酬业绩敏感性. 贵州财经大学学报, (6): 21-28. (6)张兴亮, 温日光. 2020. 城市房价与制造企业盈余持续性. 审计与经济研究, (5): 75-86. (7)钟宁桦, 温日光, 刘学悦. 2019. “五年规划”与中国企业跨境并购. 经济研究, (4): 149-164. 该论文被《人大复印资料(企业管理研究)》2019年第8期全文转载。 (8)Wen, R., Ye, S. 2018. Do changes in industrial policy affect allocation of financial resources among subsidiaries? Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 54(10): 2192-2208. (9)Wen, R. 2018. Does racial discrimination exist within the NBA? An analysis based on salary-per-contribution. Social Science Quarterly, 99(3): 933-944. (10)温日光, 汪剑锋. 2018. 上市公司会因行业竞争压力上调公司盈余吗. 南开管理评论, 21(1):182-190. (11)温日光. 2017. 谁要求更高的并购溢价?基于国家集体主义的视角. 会计研究, (9):56-62. (12)Wen, R. 2017. Who asks for higher merger and acquisition premiums? The perspective of national collectivism. China Journal of Accounting Studies, 5(2): 196-210. (13)温日光. 2015. 风险观念、并购溢价与并购完成率. 金融研究, (8): 191-206. (14)温日光. 2015. 投资者行业晕轮效应与上市公司信息披露时机选择. 中国会计评论, 13(1): 31-52. (15)杜兴强, 温日光. 2007. 公司治理与会计信息质量:一项经验研究. 财经研究, 33(1): 122-133. 成果获奖: (1)论文“杀鸡儆猴:财务报告问询涵在企业集团内的审计溢出效应”在第三届审计内控学术论坛暨会计学术联盟第三期Seminal征文活动中被评为二等奖。 (2)论文“‘五年规划’与中国企业跨境并购” 获选《世界经济年鉴》“国际投资学2019年最佳中文论文TOP10”(第三名),获上海市第十五届哲学社会科学优秀成果奖二等奖,获教育部第九届高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖青年成果奖。 (3)论文“公司治理与会计信息质量:一项经验研究”获《财经研究》创刊60周年优秀论文评选三等奖。 (4)论文“Who asks for higher M&A premiums? From the perspective of national collectivism”在中国人民大学amjs澳金沙门欢迎您举办的The 2nd Frontiers of Business Research in China International Symposium中获Young Scholar Award. |