Business School held the nineteenth construction and development strategy seminar
On 18th January, Business School held the nineteenth construction and development strategy seminar in the International Communication Center to discuss the strengthening disciplines of management, teaching, environment, MBA education, International Certification, etc. Provost professor Gu Peihua and professor Xu Erming and Lv Yuan from the development advisory board attended the meeting and made some important speeches. All the faculty and staff from Business School were present at the meeting.
Dean Xu Zongling gave a report on work summary in 2010 and checklists in 2011.She retrospected the progresses on the construction of discipline and special education faculty, scientific research, personnel training, local service, and international communication and cooperation, with an emphasis on personnel training’s system , model and measures plus countermeasures to the problems. Then she made a plan for the following days: (1) strengthen the building of the teaching staffs ;(2) guarantee the certification of EPAS;(3) adjust the internal structure of business school and resume the operation of mechanism;(4) continue to declare and organize the scientific research items well ;(5)encourage and support the construction of case database about Chaoshan enterprises;(6)recruit and cultivate MBA well and consummate the mating management and service work in MBA center;(7)expand the project of international cooperation schooling;(8)promote the professional ethics;(9)innovate the routine of student service;(10)reform and complete the employment and distribution mechanism;(11)promote the efficiency of administration;(12)innovate schoolfellow management.
Provost Gu Peihua fully recognized the progress business school had made and advocated the whole school to learn the regular seminar action. He shared his experience in the leadership and strategy of international schooling and made his suggestion that business school should center around the whole school principle to push the work toward a new stage.
Advisor Xu Erming made his suggestions on the construction of business school and its new MBA education from a strategic perspective. He pointed out that it was very important to catch the special opportunities to take a place in the international first-class business schools by playing emphasis on thinking and characteristics. Professor Lv Yuan also gave his recommendations on the construction of Chaoshan enterprises case database.
Ouyang feng, associate dean of business school, announced the condition of teaching management and proposed a solution to the problems. That is centering around the international accreditation requirements, strengthening standardized management, improving the appliances of teaching infrastructures and so on. MBA education center, every teaching and research section, the principal of huashang institute of economics and Taiwan research institution gave their report respectively. Each project team, such as postgraduate and undergraduate committee, research project, international communication and cooperation project, SIFE, student international competition items, office team, all gave their working circular.
At the meeting, the annual persons or teams of teaching and research, administration were rewarded.