蒙特利尔高等amjs澳金沙门欢迎您(HEC Montréal)是加拿大第一所专业管理学院,是北美第一家同时获得AACSB, EQUIS, AMBA三重认证(Triple Accreditation)的管理学院(全球超过13000所amjs澳金沙门欢迎您,获得三重认证的不超过70所,加拿大仅有两所)。该校于1999年获得由欧洲管理发展基金会颁发的EQUIS奖,它是第一个拿到此奖项的非欧洲学院。
该校与巴黎高等amjs澳金沙门欢迎您(HEC Paris)以及瑞士洛桑高等amjs澳金沙门欢迎您(HEC Lausanne)没有关系,是不同国家的不同学校。
蒙特利尔高等amjs澳金沙门欢迎您的MBA, EMBA, PhD是与麦吉尔大学(McGill University)合作项目。
学校 |
性质 |
名额 |
英语成绩 |
学期 |
加拿大蒙特利尔高等amjs澳金沙门欢迎您 HEC Montréal |
CIBC奖学金 |
2 |
雅思≥6.5,单项不低于6.0 |
≥3.5 |
一学期 |
HEC Montréal is a French-language university institution offering internationally renowned management education and research. The School has been training future managers who contribute to our society’s growth and prosperity, since 1907.
The first business school in Canada, HEC Montréal maintains exacting standards of academic and scientific excellence in everything it does. 1st in Quebec, 4th in Canada and 54th in the world, in the KUBS Worldwide Business Research Rankings of the best business schools (2016) One of the world’s 100 most prolific business schools for the number of research publications –Top 100 Business School Research Rankings, University of Texas at Dallas (2017) Montréal is the world’s best student city for international students, according to a study by the Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) Institute (2017)
Montreal is a dynamic university city that attracts top talent from around the world. Second in North America for the number of students per capita, it offers a stimulating environment for studies and research. It is also a vibrant metropolis, known worldwide for its tremendous variety of cultural activities.
HEC Montréal is an associate member of the Conférence des grandes écoles de France, a member of the Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute and a member of Quantitative Techniques for Economics and Management (QTEM), an international network.
School |
Program |
Avaliable Number |
Language Requirements |
Semester |
HEC Montréal |
CIBC Scholarship |
2 |
IELTS≥6.5, Each Subject≥6.5 |
GPA≥6.5 |
One Semester |